
Showing posts from 2017

FBLA NLC (National Leadership Conference)

It has been a magical week. I have met so many interesting people from all around the country and the world. I went with a few of my fellow FBLA members to Anaheim, California, to compete for our state in the national competition. Apart from the completion, we visited multiple beaches and even DisneyLand. Although I did not win, I am still happy I attended the event, as it made me the person I am today.

Playing the Chorus of RUDE! by Magic on the Guitar

My brother was playing the drums with me to practice for a concert.


Today was the day I went to my first hackathon. It was a small one that our school hosted, but the excitement I had for it never wavered. I made a group with my brother and a close friend of mine, and we set out on winning. We had no direction at first, but later got an idea and ran with it. We ended up creating a moisture detector, with little experience with Arduino. We ended up winning an honourable mention at the hackathon. It was a great experience for me as I got to learn more about coding and teamwork.