

A few days back, I participated in my first hackathon at a university. It was a great experience. I learned a lot from my groupmates, most of them who I only met on the day of the hackathon. We created an application that uses NFC tags to send emergency text messages and calls without having to unlock your phone or opening the dialer.

FBLA NLC (National Leadership Conference)

It has been a magical week. I have met so many interesting people from all around the country and the world. I went with a few of my fellow FBLA members to Anaheim, California, to compete for our state in the national competition. Apart from the completion, we visited multiple beaches and even DisneyLand. Although I did not win, I am still happy I attended the event, as it made me the person I am today.

Playing the Chorus of RUDE! by Magic on the Guitar

My brother was playing the drums with me to practice for a concert.


Today was the day I went to my first hackathon. It was a small one that our school hosted, but the excitement I had for it never wavered. I made a group with my brother and a close friend of mine, and we set out on winning. We had no direction at first, but later got an idea and ran with it. We ended up creating a moisture detector, with little experience with Arduino. We ended up winning an honourable mention at the hackathon. It was a great experience for me as I got to learn more about coding and teamwork.

My Friends!


Trying to get a tune right #NeverGiveUp

Me and my family in Puerto Rico
